Why do the flowers of the houseplant “Feminine Happiness” turn yellow and what to do with it? Top tips

Spathiphyllum or “Feminine happiness” is a flower that is not picky in care, unlike its tropical counterparts. However, there are still problems with such a picky, it would seem, flower. They are faced mainly by inexperienced growers.

A common ailment of the plant is yellowness of foliage. You will learn how to deal with the causes of the disease.

In addition, read on what should protect spathiphyllum so that the problem does not recur.

What is yellowing?

It happens that indoor flowers change their usual color, as a rule, turn yellow. A similar phenomenon occurs due to various factors affecting the vital processes of the plant. The yellowing parts of the plant are not involved in the process of photosynthesis. As a result, the pigments responsible for the green color are formed in small quantities, and the flower changes color.

Yellow leaves become brittle, crumble easily. Cracks may appear on the sheet plate. Damaged organs lose turgor, fortress, over time, their flower loses.

What parts of the plant are subject to this?

In spathiphyllum, not only leaves are exposed to yellowness, but also leafy cuttings, stem, inflorescences. The tips begin to turn yellow, becoming a pale yellow color. Or it is the leaf plate that is covered with brown spots, and the stem, peduncle turns yellow and dries.

REFERENCE! The appearance of a yellow color indicates ailments or natural processes.

Why is this happening and what to do with spathiphyllum?

Before taking measures to restore the lost state of spathiphyllum, it is necessary to understand the reasons in detail. What, what is happening, what are the symptoms. Indeed, for each problem there is an appropriate solution plan. You need to act in this way, otherwise the efforts will be in vain.

Inappropriate content settings

By this is meant the microclimate in the room where the plant is located. Adverse conditions can cause yellow leaves in spathiphyllum:

  • Lighting. An improperly selected place, such as a windowsill on the south side, can play a trick. The hot rays of the sun provoke yellowing, spots, the so-called thermal burns.
  • Temperature. Room exot should be in a warm room, but away from radiators and drafts. Sudden changes in temperature are extremely negative for leaves, especially for delicate flowers.
  • Humidity. High humidity is required. This parameter can be created manually with a spray bottle of water or using a household humidifier.

In order to help the plant, it is necessary to normalize the required parameters in the room:

  1. Provide a room flower with a well-lit accommodation.
  2. In the summer, the bright rays of the shade of a tulle curtain.
  3. In winter, cover heating appliances with a damp terry towel.
  4. Avoid drafts.
  5. The optimum limit of humidity is 50-70%.
  6. Spray moisture daily.

Excess fluid

As you know, spathiphyllum comes from the tropics, where it rains hot and often. The flower really prefers moist soil, but not stagnation of water. After all, this causes problems with the roots, which are constantly in the wet substrate, as a result, the process of decay occurs.

ATTENTION! The deterioration of the condition of the roots, respectively, is reflected in the leaves, flowers, which in turn turn yellow, turn pale.

How to help fading spathiphyllum:

  1. Extract the plant from the pot, inspect the roots.
  2. Rinse them with warm water.
  3. Use a sharp knife to remove rotten, non-living roots.
  4. Trim yellow shoots.
  5. Slices should be disinfected with ground cinnamon.
  6. Leave for a while to dry.
  7. Transplant the flower into a new dry soil, with a mandatory drainage layer.
  8. Watering immediately after transplantation is not necessary.
  9. To control the frequency of irrigation.


Spathiphyllum is rarely exposed to disease, but it does happen. It is worth talking about when the foliage begins to turn yellow profusely. Brown spots began to appear, which gradually grow. Every day, an increasing number of organs are affected. If no immediate action is taken, the disease will damage the stem and roots. Basically, the exotic is damaged by fungal diseases that can spread to nearby plants.

How to help a plant affected by fungal diseases:

  1. Isolate a diseased plant.
  2. Get a flower from the pot, examine the stem, root system.
  3. Rinse the roots under running warm water.
  4. Trim all affected areas of the flower.
  5. Disinfect slices with crushed activated carbon.
  6. Spray the whole plant with a fungicide solution.
  7. Transplant a flower into a new soil.
  8. Pot also change.
  9. At the next watering, add Epin or Zircon to the water, the drugs will increase immunity, help to cope with diseases.
  10. After 10-14 days, repeat the fungicide treatment.

More information about the causes of diseases of indoor spathiphyllum and how to save it can be found here.


Often the disease of spathiphyllum is provoked by harmful insects. They settle on leaves and feed on plant sap. Causing thereby harm indoor exotics. Foliage and inflorescences react immediately, they begin to curl, turn pale, turn yellow, dry. You can deal with such misfortunes with folk remedies, for example, soap solution, but if there are a decent amount of parasites, then you can not do without chemicals.

How to help a plant that has been hit by harmful insects:

  1. Move the affected plant to another room.
  2. Perform a visual inspection for pests.
  3. You can manually remove insects with tweezers.
  4. Treat the flower with long-acting insecticide preparations.
  5. Till the soil as well.
  6. After a week, repeat the procedure.

Lack of moisture

Dry soil is a common cause of yellow leaves. Lack of moisture and, consequently, nutrients, provokes the loss of leaf turgor, the yellowness of the stem. A similar phenomenon can be associated with the wrong soil composition, for example, excess peat in the soil. When watering, the upper peat layer is taken with a solid lump, thereby not letting moisture pass down the pot to the roots.

How to help the plant in case of dried earth in a pot:

  1. Let the flower in a container of water.
  2. The process of deoxidation takes about 15-20 minutes, if the root is large, then we take time longer.
  3. You can also use a warm shower, pour water on the leaves.
  4. Let the plant dry by placing it on a light windowsill or near the battery.
  5. It is advisable to change the ground.
  6. Control the frequency of watering so as not to overfill the root system.

Lack of essential trace elements

IMPORTANT! If the leaf plate turns completely yellow - this is a sign of a deficiency of minerals.

A similar phenomenon often occurs in recently purchased flowers that have not yet been transplanted. In the store they are planted in sparse soil, but for plentiful flowering they are regularly watered with fertilizers. Over time, the plant runs out of all resources and begins to turn yellow from lack.

How to help a plant with a deficiency of minerals:

  1. Apply complex mineral fertilizers.
  2. Preferably in liquid form.
  3. Or fertilize the soil with magnesium sulfate.

From what to protect a pet so that the problem does not recur?

To avoid various flower problems, you should:

  • Every day moisturize the plant, preferably with warm water. But do not overdo it with quantity.
  • Identify the plant in a bright place. In summer, it is better to choose a partial shade, or to shade bright rays.
  • Keep away from heaters in winter.
  • It is important that when airing the flower does not get cold air.
  • The room where the spathiphyllum should be warm. In winter, temperatures below + 15 ° C should not be allowed.
  • Periodically feed the exotic with complex mineral fertilizers.

Further care

  • Room temperature should be + 22-25 ° C.
  • Spraying is preferably done 3 times a day.
  • Exclude the presence of drafts.
  • To apply complex mineral fertilizers during the growing season every 2 weeks.
  • Before flowering, it is better to use preparations with a high content of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium once every 7-10 days.
  • Pour with soft, settled water.
  • Regularly conduct an external examination of the plant, loosen the soil, wipe the leaves from dust, cut dried shoots.

I would like to add that yellowing is not always a symptom of a disease. Perhaps this is a natural process of dying off old leaves, young ones will replace. Usually the lower leaves dry out, and if new processes turn yellow - a bad sign. However, adhering to the basic rules for the care of spathiphyllum, there will be no reason to worry at all.

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