What to do if the leaves of spathiphyllum darken and why does this happen?

Spathiphyllum is a tropical plant of the Aroid family. His homeland is considered to be the hot forests of South America.

In our latitudes, room exotics also acclimatized quite well. If the right care is selected, the snow-white handsome is ready to bloom from spring to autumn.

But there are factors that adversely affect the general condition of the plant. In the article, we will analyze the main causes of leaf disease in spathiphyllum, and also talk about how to deal with such an ailment.

The appearance of a diseased plant

Unfortunately, the blackness of plant organs is the most common symptom directly related to the deterioration of the health of the spathiphyllum. The external picture of blackening depends on the type of disease of spathiphyllum and severity. The foliage darkens in whole or in part, and this manifests itself in the form:

  1. drought: the tips dry out and a black edge goes along the edge of the sheet;
  2. in the middle of the plate is black rot;
  3. wet gray or brown spots;
  4. a large area of ​​the leaf plate becomes a dark shade with a clear restriction between healthy and diseased tissue;
  5. the presence of black dots;
  6. the leaf is overgrown with fungal spores of black color.

Spathiphyllum may blacken:

  • leaf tips;
  • whole plate;
  • cuttings;
  • roots
  • inflorescences.

Depending on the damaged area, the cause of the disease is specified.

Why did the “Feminine Happiness” turn dark foliage?

The appearance of a black hue by itself signals problems in the life of the plant. Possible causes include:

  1. Dense, clogged soil.

    As a result of prolonged use and frequent watering, the earth is compacted, preventing the penetration of air to the roots. This is observed after the use of low-quality, hard, tap water. Thus, the soil becomes unusable. Salt deposits are noticeable, which appear on the surface of the soil and roots. With a change in the composition of the soil mixture, the root system cannot fully develop. Or all the fault is not suitable soil components, for example, an excess of peat.

  2. Violation of the irrigation regime.

    With sufficiently frequent watering and spraying, the root system cannot absorb the entire volume of incoming fluid. As a result, it begins to rot. Diseases of the roots are reflected by the darkening of most of the leaf. It is possible that there is no drainage in the flower pot, which leads to fluid stagnation.

    After wetting, it is recommended to drain excess water from the pan.
  3. Dry air.

    Spathiphyllum prefers a warm and humid indoor climate. But in an apartment it’s quite difficult to create, especially in the winter. Symptom of low humidity: the leaf itself is green, black only the tips.

  4. Incorrect location.

    For example, a cold window sill with frequent blowing of outside air, touching leaves on a cold glass, drafts, will play a cruel joke with a heat-loving flower. Subcooling is especially dangerous after water procedures. Room exot should be in a warm room, but away from radiators. Sudden changes in temperature - an extremely negative phenomenon for the leaves.

  5. Illiterate use of mineral fertilizers.

    As a rule, poor nutrition provokes the appearance of black tips on the foliage. It is worth paying to the feeding regimen. It may be necessary to fertilize the plant with a complex of minerals to restore the natural balance, and to protect the flower from starvation.

  6. Fungal diseases.

    This is a dangerous phenomenon, which mainly affects the root system as a result of supersaturation of the soil with water and at low ambient temperatures. Often characterized by brown spots, the appearance of mold, blackening of the roots. Fungal infections spread quite quickly, so you should urgently respond to this ailment.

How does this threaten the plant?

At the external examination of the spathiphyllum, dark spots, blotches, black tips or roots are noticeable - this is a signal to action.

The plant definitely needs help. If the treatment does not arrive at the right time, then the room exot expects death.

It is possible that in the later stages, this lesion can cause the process of decay. Gradually, the whole flower becomes black. In such a case, something is already pointless to do.

What could happen?

A healthy plant has a bright green color, a dense leaf structure, the absence of any inclusions on the leaf plate. If the leaves began to blacken or have already completely darkened, possible causes:

  • the bay;
  • lack of nutrition;
  • fungal diseases.

In any case, you should act immediately.

  1. Take the plant out of the pot, analyze the soil.
  2. If the soil is dense, heavy - it should be updated.
  3. After choosing the finished soil, you must also add vermiculite or perlite. To make it more loose and light.
  4. Remove excess soil from the roots, inspect them.
  5. If there are dry, dark brown areas, the roots should be removed. Perhaps the development of rot or fungal infection.
  6. Slices should be disinfected with ground cinnamon.
  7. To treat the plant with a solution of fungicides, for example, "Scor", "Topsin-M".
  8. Transplant the flower into a new dry soil, watering immediately is not necessary.
  9. In the future, normalize the irrigation system.
Important! If upon examination everything is in order with the soil and the root system of the plant, there may be a lack of nitrogen. Then the transplant is not needed, and for 1-2 months, feed spathiphyllum with nitrogen fertilizers to restore green mass.

What to do if the tips of the leaves are darkened?

There are many reasons for the darkening of the edges of the indoor flower. The most common are:

  • an excess of mineral fertilizers;
  • Incorrect conditions of detention.

Actions for darkening the tips of the leaves:

  1. Normalize the temperature and humidity conditions in the room.
  2. Use a humidifier regularly.
  3. Spray leaves from a spray bottle daily.
  4. Eliminate drafts and cold air on the flower.
  5. In winter, it is better to change the place of stay by removing it from the windowsill.
  6. Do not feed the plant with mineral fertilizers for a while.

What if the flowers turned black?

A similar phenomenon in spathiphyllum is quite rare, but still. As it turned out, Exot reacts extremely sharply to excess moisture. As a result, the middle of the inflorescences and edges blackens. Decision:

  1. To control the irrigation system.
  2. Avoid fluid stagnation in the ground.
  3. After 15 minutes after humidification, excess water should be drained from the pan.
  4. If the situation is critical, a spathiphyllum transplant is necessary.


Of course, to avoid such problems, spathiphyllum should be protected from the influence of external factors.
  1. Hold the flower for a couple of weeks in greenhouse conditions. Maintain a temperature of + 23-25 ​​° C, high humidity.
  2. Put the pot in a sunny place. However, to avoid the scorching rays of the sun on the foliage.
  3. Perform regular watering, control the moisture level in the pot.
  4. Do not forget to air the room daily.
  5. Damaged black edges, cut off dark leaves.

With proper care and attention, a green pet will delight you with beautiful flowering and healthy shine of foliage. And no blackening will be discussed.

Watch the video: Peace Lily water leaf burn (October 2024).

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