Amazing hoya gracilis: methods of growing, care and photo of a flower

Among the huge variety of indoor plants, tropical hoya or wax ivy stands out, in particular, gracilis or graceful hoya.

Thanks to her graceful wax flowers, she has many admirers among flower growers around the world. Philippines or Sulawesi are considered to be the graceful homeland of hoya.

In this article, you will learn how to grow a graylis hoya and how to care for it. What diseases and pests can attack this beautiful and delicate plant, as well as what problems can arise when growing this flower.

Botanical description and appearance of the plant

Hoya gracilis is a kind of creeper with powerful branches, oblong dense leaves with pointed tips of a light green shade with slightly noticeable spots, 3-4 cm long. There are nodes on the stem, from which 2-3 leaves grow, creating a dense rug. If sunlight falls on the plant, then the leaves become pinkish, and stains become more contrasting. The lower surface of the leaf is slightly pubescent.

Hoya flowers are collected in inflorescences and are very beautiful.

Reference. Inflorescences consist of two dozen or more flowers - in the form of stars on long pedicels. In the center of each flower there is another starlet, but of a brighter shade.


Further on the photo you can see how the Hoya gracilis looks:



After seed ripening, they are slightly dried and sown in the which pieces of burlap or felt and moss sphangum are added. Sowing seeds should be no later than a year after their collection, otherwise they will lose their germination. If the seeds are fresh, then they can be planted at any time of the year.

When the seeds germinate (after about a week), the following actions should be performed:

  • prevent drying of the substrate;
  • do not overmoisten the soil;
  • provide good lighting;
  • treat with fungicide (Bordeaux liquid) for prophylaxis, but in no case do not use preparations containing copper.

About, three months later, healthy seedlings are transplanted into separate pots with mossso as not to damage the roots.

Attention. Hoya gracilis, which grows in the apartment, does not form seed pods, so flower growers use other methods of reproduction.


Before rooting the leaf, it must be treated with a growth stimulator. For this purpose, adenine sulfate or kinetin is used. When the hoya is propagated by leaf, the pot is selected close. You also need to periodically feed him.

This method is laborious and may not always succeed.


Growing by cuttings is considered the most common way of propagating graceful hoya. If you create all the favorable conditions (optimal humidity, suitable temperature), then the root system will form very quickly. Shank must have two nodules.

Rooted cuttings in two ways.

  • in water;
  • in a solid substrate.

When rooting in water, the stem is treated with root hormone, put the container in a warm place and cover with a film, creating the conditions of the greenhouse. After two weeks, the first roots appear and the stalk can be transplanted into a small pot.

The stalk is planted in a solid substrate (perlite, sphagnum moss, peat pellet, vermiculite) after its edge is treated with powder, which accelerates root growth. It is necessary to maintain optimal humidity, allowing excess water to flow out, often spraying.

Reference. Hoya gracilis can be propagated by cuttings at any time of the year, except winter.


  1. Temperature. Considering that hoya gracilis in nature grows in mountain forests, it is also necessary to create similar conditions in the room for it: it must be cool (up to 22 degrees) and humid. A temperature above 30 degrees the plant does not tolerate well.
  2. Watering a plant. With watering, you need to be very careful and not overmoisten the soil. The next watering should be only after the topsoil has dried. Hoya gracilis loves spraying, which helps increase air humidity. Abundant spraying can sometimes replace watering.
  3. Lighting. Elegant Hoya loves bright diffused light. In the first half of the day or after lunch, the sun's rays will not hurt her, therefore, the eastern or western side is suitable for her. Thanks to the sun, the leaves of the hoya will acquire a pinkish tint and spotty color.
  4. Pruning. To form a beautiful crown, the plant can be pinched after the appearance of the fourth leaf. Long shoots should be cut - this will stimulate flowering. As a support for stems, threads are used that are fixed to a window or wall. Sometimes a ring of wire is used, but in order for the plant to not turn over, the pot must be heavy.
  5. Top dressing. Hoya should be fed with fertilizers twice a month throughout the growing season, starting in March. In winter, the plant is not fed.
  6. Pot. The pot for hoya gracilis should be chosen small. Transplanting a plant into a larger pot is necessary only when its roots become crowded in a small pot.

When replanting a plant in an old pot, it must be thoroughly washed and disinfected with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Diseases and Pests

All types of hoya are resistant to disease and pests., but if the surrounding air is too dry, then the plant may be affected by a scab or a spider mite. In this case, the flower must be treated with an insecticide, for example, an actellic.

Important. The plant can also be affected by the root nematode, so the soil for transplantation must be steamed.

Problems that a flower may have

  1. Leaf fall. The soil is waterlogged, the flower stands on a cold window or in the heat it was poured with very cold water.
  2. Spots on the leaves. Appear from a lack of lighting or from a sunburn.
  3. Hoya is not blooming. This occurs when there is a lack of lighting or a very warm winter (for stimulation, you can use a warm shower).
  4. Drying, twisted and very light leaves. May appear from the bright sun (it is better to shade the plant).
  5. Fall of flower buds or flowers. Occurs when the air is too hot and dry.
  6. Slowly growing, the leaves became pale green. The plant lacks nutrients or requires transplantation.


When choosing hoya gracilis, the main thing is to give the plant its care and warmth, then it will certainly delight its owner with lovely wax flowers for many years.

Watch the video: my top five favorite hoya plants. easy care plants (October 2024).

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