Recommendations and step-by-step instructions: how to plant and grow roses at home from seeds? Problems and plant care

Probably the most common flower for planting in the garden is a rose. It can bloom for a long period and thin out a pleasant aroma.

There are several ways of propagating roses. But if you want to get an unexpected option, you can try to plant a rose from seeds.

The whole planting process is carried out at home. This article is devoted to this topic further. You will also find out what problems most often arise and what are the ways to solve them. We will give recommendations for further flower maintenance.

General concepts

Rose seeds are in the fruits of the bush.. They are collected in late summer and until mid-autumn. You need to choose slightly browned fruits. The seeds themselves should be a little raw - they sprout faster. But you also need to take into account the fact that in some roses, the fruits remain green.

Seeds are obtained as follows: the fruit is cut in half, after which the seeds are separated from the pulp.

Reference! The seeds themselves are small, have a brownish color.

Pros and cons of such cultivation

The following circumstances can be attributed to the advantages of seed propagation.:

  • When buying seeds, you will have to pay a lower amount than when purchasing cuttings or seedlings from them.
  • In the future, you can plant a whole rosary, as there are many seeds in one package. Even if not all are accepted, there will still be many roses.
  • Health seedlings. Seed propagation involves preliminary stratification. As a result, seedlings grow viable, able to adapt to cold weather and overdo the disease.
  • Roses from seeds can be planted both on the street and at home.

Cons of growing a room rose seed:

  • Seeds germinate for a long period.
  • Flowering will appear only after 2-3 years.
  • This method of reproduction requires a lot of patience.

Where and how can I buy seed?

On the Internet there are a lot of sites that offer to buy rose seeds. Not all of them are trusted. The most popular site for selling Chinese seeds is Aliexpress. Read here how to grow roses from seeds ordered in China.

There are also an easy way to purchase rose seeds - visit a flower shop. If these flowers grow on the house plot, then the seeds can be collected independently.

How to get it yourself?

For the collection of seeds, the second half of summer is selected. Pruning fruits should be slightly unripe so that their base is soft. It is these grains of the ray that will sprout.

After cutting the fruit with a knife, the seeds are separated from the pulp. Then they are washed and disinfected with either 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes, or in a solution of potassium permanganate.

The choice of the period for reproduction

Usually seed planting is carried out in late summeror at the beginning of autumn. But since the seeds are planted at home, the time of year does not really matter. Most importantly the seeds should receive enough lighting. If the yard is winter, then the lighting should be artificial.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant

Next, detailed instructions will be presented on how to plant seeds correctly and what is required for this.

Required Inventory

For planting seeds you will need the following necessary things:

  • the seeds themselves (they can be purchased at the store or obtained independently);
  • sharp knife;
  • sieve;
  • a bowl;
  • cotton pads;
  • bags made of polyethylene;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • prepared soil (it should be light and fertile);
  • small pots, for seedlings.


About what time and from which fruit to collect seeds, has already been said. Dry and decayed fruits should be left in the same place.. They are not suitable for landing.

After removing the seeds from the fruit, they must be washed well in running water. After that, washing is carried out for 20 minutes using hydrogen peroxide and a sieve. Thus, the seeds will be disinfected and protected from mold.

You need to carefully inspect the seeds. You can often notice that their shape and color are different, but this is not a defect. When planted correctly, they will all sprout.

How to plant in the ground?

Planting seeds in the ground is a long and laborious process. If we talk about the natural conditions of growth, then the seeds, having got into the ground, go through the process of stratification there throughout the winter. Therefore, the goal of the gardener is to create similar conditions at home.

  1. You need to prepare a substrate for seeds from any material that retains moisture. It can be paper napkins, cotton pads or paper towels.
  2. One substrate should be moistened with hydrogen peroxide, put seeds on it, moisten the second substrate and cover the seeds from above.
  3. The resulting structure must be placed in a plastic bag or other suitable utensil and put in the refrigerator in the department where vegetables are usually stored, while the temperature should be between + 5-7 degrees.
  4. Such stratification continues under constant supervision for 2 months.
  5. During this time, periodically need to ventilate the bag and moisten the substrate.

If mold was seen on the seeds, the seed preparation process is repeated again. First they are washed in hydrogen peroxide, then they are re-laid on a substrate and placed in a plastic bag.

  • When the seeds have sprouted, they can be transplanted into small pots.
  • The air temperature in the room with pots should be within + 18-20 degrees.
  • Do not forget about the lighting, which must be present for 10 hours, so the sprouts will not hit the black leg.
  • The surface of the pot is mulched with a thin layer of perlite.
  • Bushes are not often watered and with a moderate amount of water.
  • So that the roots gain strength, the first buds break off.

We offer you to watch a visual video about planting rose seeds:

How to root?

As mentioned above, as soon as the seeds sprout, small peat pots are transplanted. With proper care after wintering the seeds by spring, you can already see the first sprouts.

Landing is carried out after the hardening process. Periodically, pots with seedlings are taken out into the open. But at the same time they must be protected from direct sunlight. The residence time of plants in the fresh air should be gradually increased.

Landing in a large pot is made in May. Loose soil is prepared in advance, where seedlings will be planted.

Primary Plant Care

In order for the seeds to take root well, they need to be taken care of for a long time. Follow the rules for watering and applying liquid fertilizers. If the apartment is hot, then the plants are moistened and covered with covering material. This will retain moisture in the upper layer. Then the shelter is removed.

Problems and solutions

In the first year, the plant will not give good flowering, it will be weak and lethargic. Therefore, it is better not to allow the flowering of the bush at this time. Set buds should be removed before August and leave about two inflorescences per shoot.

Feeding is also important. It is carried out in May, July and October; nitrogen fertilizers are added for the first two times. In autumn, potash fertilizing will be more useful..

If cow dung is added to the soil, this will also contribute to good plant growth. It is diluted in water at a rate of 1 to 3, infused for about 10 days and before direct watering, it is once again diluted with water at a rate of 1:10.

Roses are often exposed to diseases and pests. Therefore, processing with special preparations purchased at a flower shop is also important.

Recommendations for further flower maintenance

In the future, if the following care procedures are carried out, the rose will quickly begin to grow and by the second year will give good flowering:

  1. Proper watering of seedlings.
  2. Loose soil.
  3. Mulching the soil.
  4. Fertilization according to schedule.
  5. Pest control.
  6. Some varieties of roses require pruning.
Roses grown from seeds are almost no different from their relatives. They are just as beautiful and, with proper care, healthy, like other bushes.

The advantage of seed propagation at home is the ability to plant the whole rose garden at home without extra costs.

Useful video

We offer you to watch an informative video about the process of growing roses from seeds:

Watch the video: 10 Easy Tips for Growing Roses (October 2024).

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