Features of Dutch roses selection - description and photo of varieties, nuances of growing

Each person has their own preferences in views on their favorite dishes, clothes, jewelry and other things that make life enjoyable.

The same applies to the plant, as well as to the flowers. Everyone has different tastes, but everyone loves a rose. It is not for nothing that the rose is called the queen of flowers, and, more specifically, the varieties of Dutch roses will be discussed. The article discusses the features of roses of Dutch selection - a description and photo of varieties, the nuances of growing.

Description and description of the species

Dutch roses are a type of flower that Holland breeders brought. The best result of cut roses. A distinctive feature of this variety, pleasing women of many generations, is a long preservation of the freshness, color and height of the flowers in the vase (15 days).

Roses have medium buds, various colors and a very elegant form, not without grace.

Comparison table of this selection with English, Ecuadorian and Kenyan

Dutch breedingVariety of varieties and their uniquenessAttenuated aroma
Extraordinary color scheme (the presence of different colors - blue, red, rainbow, etc.)Moisture limit
English breedingLush flower shapeBad bloom in wet weather
Strong aroma
Frost resistance
Ecuadorian selectionBright shadesLight aroma
Extra strong stems, resistanceSlow change of temperature
Kenyan selectionThey stand for a long time in a vase, and is also great for creating voluminous bouquetsSmaller than roses of other countries

Varieties, their names and photos


  • Diadem.
  • Niccolo Paganini.
  • Carte Blanche.
  • Patio.
  • Galaxy.
  • Mini flora.
  • Lilly Marlene.
  • Spray rose.

Hybrid Tea

  • New Zealand
  • Baccarat.
  • Blue Moon
  • Gloria Day.
  • Double Delight.
  • Nicole.
  • Osiana.
  • Paradise.
  • Prima ballerina.
  • Raffaella.
  • Red Velvet.
  • Rose Gozhar.


  • Los Angeles.
  • Clementine.
  • Jewel.
  • Curlers.
  • Cinderella.
  • Hummingbird


  • Gallic.
  • Damascus.
  • White.
  • Centiphol.
  • Abraham Derby.
  • Benjamin Britten
  • William Shakespeare.
  • Portland
  • Bourbon.
  • Noisette.
  • Tea rooms.

Features of growing rose bushes native to Holland


The main factor to consider when landing is choosing the right place. Dutch roses are very important warm temperature. Their root system is poorly adapted to cold conditions.

You need to choose a place well lit by the sun, and which will protect the flowers from the wind. Also, away from trees, so that the bush gets more moisture. This selection prefers airborne nutrient soils.

Therefore, before the planting process, you need to properly prepare the soil:

  1. Apply drainage (removal of water from the surface or groundwater).
  2. Fertilize (rotted manure, compost, sand and peat).

It is imperative to know the characteristics of the varieties before planting, since each species has its own needs for the process and care.

Landing time - late spring. Before this, it is required to remove dried and damaged shoots and roots.

The landing process is quite simple:

  1. dig a small hole;
  2. put fertilizer to the bottom;
  3. put a seedling of a future rose;
  4. fall asleep with earth.

Where and how is it grown?

Unlike Ecuadorian, Dutch breeding with good care can be grown in many countries. Greenhouse cultivation seems to be the best option, because it provides the conditions most suitable for these plants. But they can also grow in open ground, in the degree of dependence on the varieties and regions of the country.

The most common methods for growing Dutch varieties:

  • Buying seedlings ready for planting.
  • Rooting cuttings.

The seedlings have a fairly high price, but this method will require a little less labor. Roses show excellent reaction to slurry irrigation. But in no case should you pour it under the root. Only in the groove dug near the plant. Top dressing ceases to be applied from the second half of summer. Moderate watering of the plant is necessary with moisture settled in and sun-heated. Excessive soil moisture is prohibited. During the summer, you need to perform sanitary pruning of roses.

Use in landscape design

Do not forget that the main function of this plant is decorative. In this regard, it is often used for landscape design. Its foundation is the right combination of colors. You need to know about the color scheme that plants of similar color only hide each other, and not emphasize. Based on this, it is worth making a choice from different, even opposite colors, which are perfectly combined with each other.

Breeders create a lot of new varieties of roses, so you can experiment with landscape design on the site safely.

In the jewelry options are leading such as:

  • Border.
  • The solo rose.
  • Alpine hill.
  • Hedge.
  • Pink stream.
  • Arches.
  • Step vases with roses.
  • Garden in containers.

Diseases and Pests

The most dangerous pest for Dutch roses is the spider mite. As a result of its actions, the plant trunk loses its leaves and becomes weakened and vulnerable to other parasites. It is difficult to notice it, so you need to inspect the leaves on both sides daily. All fallen leaves are burned in autumn, as they are an ideal place for wintering pests.

It is important to remove cobwebs and nests of spiders from the stems in time, because otherwise, the entire bush will die. For the prevention of diseases and pests, timely weeding, control of soil temperature and watering are necessary.

To protect the plant, periodically need to be treated with infusions of mullein and wood ash, as well as funds from specialty stores.

  • One of the common diseases of the Dutch rose is powdery mildew. It appears as a white coating in the form of gradually expanding spots on the stems and buds. The plant is depleted, twisted and falls. To overcome this disease, you need to burn the affected leaves and shoots.
  • Rust. The appearance of yellow-orange tubercles at the base of shoots. Over time, brown ulcers form. In spring and autumn, the affected areas are exposed to fire, the soil is dug up.
  • Leaf stripe roses. The appearance on the leaves of brown rings and stains. With severe infection, the plant is dug up and burned.

Dutch roses are a wonderful type of plant that can be grown both for the soul and for the design of your garden. Following the recommendations and taking into account the features indicated above, you will get an amazing result that will be worth the effort.

Watch the video: Frédéric Malle of Editions de Parfums with Perfumer Carlos Benaïm (October 2024).

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