Recommendations on how to arrange a bed in the bedroom so that everything is correct

We spend almost a third of our lives in a dream, it is important that the berth is comfortable. When deciding how to properly put a bed in the bedroom, it is worth considering many many nuances, because thanks to good sleep, working capacity is maintained, health is maintained, youth is prolonged. The layout of modern apartments sometimes openly puts all the rules for arranging furniture in jeopardy, but even in this case, it is worth approaching the choice of place for a bed.

Seat selection

An ideal option for installing a bed in the bedroom is the headboard to the load-bearing wall, where there is no window or door. In relation to the bed, door and window openings should be located on the side, preferably on the foot side. If the bed is small, then you can place it with the headboard in the corner (diagonally) - this arrangement is suitable for rooms where the entrance is opposite the window. At the same time, you will keep the door in sight, and direct sunlight will not dazzle in the morning if the windows face east or southeast.

When choosing a place, remember the rules:

  • the location of the bed in the bedroom should provide free access for both partners;
  • make sure that the bed will not blow from the installed air conditioner, no drafts from the window;
  • it is not recommended that the bed adjoins the wall behind which there is a bathroom or kitchen. Extraneous noise does not contribute to restful sleep. If it is not possible to change the installation, use a high soft headboard or paste a cork on the wall to increase sound insulation;
  • the bed should not adjoin the door so as not to create stress.

How to put a bed so that awakening is comfortable? At some distance from the window. It is accepted that heating radiators are most often located under the windowsill. This way you can avoid problems:

  • overheating due to too intense battery operation;
  • bright sun with the curtains open;
  • drying out the wooden parts of the hull, due to which it can dry out.

If there is an uneven floor, put the bed so that the head is on a raised platform. Such a situation may arise in old-built houses or cottages, where, due to the nature of the soil, the foundation could sag.

When choosing the layout of furniture in relation to the bedroom place, it is also important to consider the location of cabinets, cabinets, tables and chairs. Opening doors and pulling drawers should not touch the bed. But how, with all the observance of the rules, to put a bed in a one-room apartment? It is worth considering the fact that the berth is likely to be used as a recreation area by other family members, if any, or to accommodate guests. Options with one-room apartments can be seen in the photo below for clarity. Here you can see how specialists try to use the space as ergonomically as possible in order to provide people living in the apartment with maximum comfort with a minimum area.

How the bed should not stand

There are rules regarding how to put a bed in the bedroom, violation of which is guaranteed to ruin your sleep and well-being. It is important to know not only how to put a bed to wake up in a good mood, but also how to do it:

  • You can not put a bed in front of the door. According to Feng Shui, narrow and long spaces cause the measured flow of qi to accelerate and become restless. In addition, the dead were always laid with their feet to the door. Even accidental likening to a person who goes to the other world can cause real harm to health;
  • no mirrors, mirrored ceilings. Do not recommend even glossy surfaces in the bedroom. There is no place for TVs and computers next to the bed;
  • where it’s still not worth putting a bed, it’s against the wall adjacent to the kitchen or bathroom. Work of household appliances, pouring water or buzzing in pipes can become serious provocateurs for insomnia;
  • the middle bed makes you feel like a shipwrecked raft in the middle of the ocean. Sometimes such an attitude is practiced, but this is one of the most unsuccessful options - a person subconsciously feels defenseless and discomfort;
  • Another way to inconvenience yourself is to put a sleeper to the wall with a foot. Perhaps the worst of the options. Not only will your head be "in the attack zone", so when you wake up, you will look with your gaze against the wall;
  • only a lonely person who does not want to establish personal life can afford to put a double bed sideways against the wall. The second half will simply be uncomfortable each time to move through a spouse;
  • trying to rationally use the free space above the bed, shelves, paintings, mirrors are often placed on the walls. A heavy chandelier can be hung on the ceiling. All this has an unconscious “pressure”, because a hypothetically heavy object may fall. For a quiet sleep, there should not be heavy and sharp objects over your head;
  • the passage between the bed and the furniture should be at least 70 cm. This is the minimum distance for movement;
  • Do not place hinged wardrobes near the bed. Doors that open when lying on a bed can be perceived threateningly and make you worry;
  • some people, trying to create a secluded place in a single room, block it with a closet. If it is always dark in such a corner, in bed a person will feel like in a closet. In addition, air circulates poorly in such areas, which can cause the development of allergies, psychosomatic suffocation and asthmatic attacks.

Due to the improper location of the bed in the room, if you ignore the basic rules, a person can be constantly stressed due to interruption of sleep. A stream of air from the air conditioner or a draft will easily cause a cold, water, noisy through the pipes or a dripping faucet can lead to insomnia. Regarding the door, the bed in the bedroom should be located a little further from the opening. A reclining person should see the door and incoming people. This rule is based on the unconscious instinct of self-preservation.

How to put a bed if zoning is done inside the room with a multi-level ceiling? The ceiling above the bed should be high, nothing should put pressure on the sleeping person.

Often it is not possible to correctly position the bed and then people are puzzled why it is not possible to feel comfortable, where colds come from even in the warm season, insomnia and headache, and in the winter the nasopharynx is dry and the throat is constantly irritated. They don’t know that the air is dry near the battery, and walking around the door makes people wake up regularly at night and wake up from their own reflection in the mirror.

How to put a bed

How space size affects location

Modern layout to a greater extent takes into account the ergonomics of space. The owners of the apartment do not have a question how to put a bed, with an area of ​​more than 15 m2. But old buildings sin with small, elongated, narrow rooms, and then this issue becomes relevant.

Convenience of movement, perception of space depends on how you put the bed in the bedroom. Before buying or installing an existing bed in small rooms, it is important to thoroughly measure the bed and the dimensions of the room first. For free movement there should be a passage of 70 cm. Before deciding how to put a bed in a small bedroom, draw a plan on a scale with an image of the planned furniture, leaving space for swing doors, sliding doors.

How to put a bed in a narrow bedroom? Designers propose to place it across the room away from the door, providing on the sides a place for small cabinets with lamps. When there is very little space, the headboard is located towards the window. It is recommended to install a screen between the window and the head of the screen, curtains. A small, narrow bedroom forces the bed to be set along the wall. For a single person, the option may be quite convenient. Proper distribution of space will allow you to arrange a berth with maximum comfort.

In a spacious room, designers make the bed a central element, which often becomes a kind of axis of symmetry for the room. In this case, the bed can even be set at the head of the corner, which makes it as protected as possible, gives an overview of the door to the room and provides an approach to the bedroom from two sides.

Feng Shui Rules

The Chinese doctrine of Feng Shui teaches to arrange the organization of the house in accordance with the energy of 5 elements and coordination on the cardinal points. Based on the teachings, the house is a projection of certain energy fields, the activity of which affects the owners in different ways. The location relative to the cardinal points for the bed is one of the most important values, because this can positively or negatively affect many aspects of life.

The correct arrangement of the bed will provide:

  • harmony in marital relations;
  • easy conception, pregnancy and childbirth;
  • healthy sleep and well-being;
  • attract luck and charge a person with positive energy.

The lamp above the bed according to the postulate of Chinese traditions is better not to hang. But it is not recommended to leave a sleeper dark, the light is able to disperse negative energy. You can arrange a neat backlight on the ceiling, install the fixtures on the bedside tables.

Which side to choose, the owner of the room decides, but when positioning, rely on the inner feeling - it makes no sense to put the bed in a position that is inconvenient for you. How should the bed be relative to the cardinal points: here it is important to understand what exactly a person wants to get:

  • North - will ensure career growth and well-being;
  • east - health and wealth;
  • south - glory and prosperity;
  • West - creativity and children.

How to put a bed to be comfortable. Many of the recommendations already mentioned are also supported by the Feng Shui tradition:

  • don’t go to the door or exit, remember that this is how the deceased is laid. If it is not possible to unfold the bed, use a screen or curtains to shield yourself;
  • it is impossible for the bed to stand in an unlit corner - negative, oppressive energy will be collected there, which will drain the strength of a person. It is also impossible to arrange warehouses with unused things under the bed. The location of the bed on the cardinal points will be optimal if it is installed in the southwestern sector responsible for marriage or in the southeast, closer to the health sector;
  • the bed in the room cannot be installed opposite the mirror, the mirror surface - visually you find yourself in a corridor with negative energy. According to Feng Shui, the bedroom should not have screens, equipment, computers next to the bed. They radiate negative energy;
  • ventilate the room before going to bed, let in fresh qi. 15 minutes is enough for this. For a bedroom, choose a room that is as close as possible in shape to a square - an ideal shape, a sign of the earth. Using the ba-gua compass, find out where in the apartment there are favorable sectors for establishing a bed. Remove from the sleeping place images of grinning animals, sharp objects (even souvenir ones), stuffed animals, portraits. No one should stare at sleeping people. It is negative to install aquariums and fountains next to the bed - water elements will bring profit in the wealth zone, but fluidity in the family sector will provoke discord between spouses, possible betrayals.

An example of the wrong location of the bed in feng shui

Russian apartment plans often do not allow you to place a bed strictly according to the canons of Feng Shui, you may not find some sectors if all the premises of the apartment do not form a square. Zones compensate within a specific room by arranging talismans and using the color strength of the desired sector. For example, for the health sector, the color is green, and the family is symbolized by shades of yellow, brown. If you decide to place cabinets and talismans around the bed, use paired options. When you need to place children's beds, use a delimiter between them - a table or a chest of drawers. By setting the bed head to the wall, you harmonize relations with the partner, and if the task is to send the teenager to study, the berth can be moved to the wall, "blocking access" to the other half of the berth.


Watch the video: Hacks For Arranging Your Bedroom (October 2024).

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