Criteria for choosing bunk beds, their functional features

In small apartments where a large family lives, a bunk bed will be the best choice. This model has many advantages, as it can significantly save space. A two-story bed can be presented in numerous forms, so buyers themselves decide which material the structure will be selected from, what dimensions and appearance it will have.

Functional Features

Bunk beds are often chosen by parents of two or more children, since in small apartments this choice saves space, there is enough space for installing other interior items. The design of the product allows you to create an optimal and safe place for sleeping and relaxing children or adults. As for the color scheme, it can be either a white model or a colorful one.

Modern models are universal, so unusual bunk beds can be used for sleep, leisure, games. The main features of these products include:

  • the space of any room is used rationally;
  • a bunk bed allows you to create two or more beds;
  • most models have a unique appearance;
  • different materials are used to create the beds, so forged bunk beds or products made from chipboard, MDF or wood can be purchased;
  • the cost of such a product is considered affordable for each buyer;
  • It has high functionality, because you can choose a bed with a workplace or with drawers for storing bedding and other items.

But this design has not only positive features, there are some disadvantages. For example, the product has significant weight. Due to the presence of a berth at the top, it is necessary to choose a high-quality, safe and convenient ladder for use. A bunk bed with sides will be an excellent choice, since if a child is to use the design, then there should be no possibility of his fall.

Modern designs allow you to make really attractive and safe products. For children, models with an unusual design are purchased, therefore, a bed in a marine style is often chosen. It is perfect for little girls. For boys, an attic bunk bed is often chosen, which allows you to organize a resting place, closed from unauthorized persons, which creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility. At the bottom there may be a workplace for games or study.

Options for the first tier

The lower tier of such a bed may be different, some options are presented in the table.

Types of modelsTheir nuances
StandardThey have a regular bed below, which is equal in size and other features to the upper element. The distance between it and the upper tier should be such that there is no possibility of hitting your head against the bottom of the upper bed.
Models with a wide berth belowIn this case, there may even be a double bed below. This allows the child to use the upper tier, and parents can sleep below. Due to this, space is significantly saved.
Corner modelsSleeping places are perpendicular to them. Typically, such products are used for an effective and safe sleep of three babies.
Models equipped with a pull-out berth belowDue to such a lower berth, it is possible to save space on the floor, so it can be used as a desktop in the daytime.
Bed with sofa downstairsIt is considered a multifunctional and universal option, since on the lower tier a place is formed not only for sleeping, but also for sitting, relaxing, receiving guests or performing other actions. This design looks attractive.
Hinged structureIt also allows you to save space, because after night the lower tier just leans back on the wall. Usually there are special elements that allow you to organize a desktop at this place for lessons or other activities.
Loft bedThis bunk bed is collapsible on top represented by a comfortable house for sleeping and relaxing, and below - a lot of additional elements, which include a desktop, different drawers, shelves or other items for games and study.

Thus, the lower tier of such a bed can be represented in numerous forms. Additionally, during the selection it is recommended to take into account the material used to create such models:

  • products made of beech or other wood species are considered safe, environmentally friendly and incredibly beautiful, but their cost will be high, which is not always acceptable for buyers;
  • a bed made of chipboard is not considered a very suitable option for children's and other residential premises, since in most cases formaldehydes are used in its creation, causing significant harm to health;
  • MDF products are usually high-quality and attractive, so you can choose the best option for any room at an affordable price;
  • metal models are considered strong, stable and durable, but have considerable weight and are not suitable for small children;
  • plastic products are not very reliable, but at the same time they are light weight, original colors and the possibility of creating unique shapes.

Designers regularly develop new options for such products, so you can choose a ship bed or other unique designs on the market that are ideally suited to a particular room style.

With extendable berthAtticWith a sofa downstairsFoldingWith a wide berthStandardCorner

The location of the stairs

The ladder for a bunk bed can be presented in several types. Usually it is created from the same material as the tiers of the product itself. The most commonly selected varieties are:

  • vertical - is represented by two longitudinal guides installed vertically. They are connected to each other using special crossbars. The advantages of such products include low cost and small size. But at the same time, using such a ladder is not too convenient;
  • Marching - involves the use of inclined steps, rather than crossbars. The safety of using such elements is considered to be higher compared to the previous version. It is convenient to use the products, but you have to allocate about 0.5 sq m near the bed to install such a ladder. It is optimal to use a tilt angle of 70 degrees;
  • steps boxes - in a nursery such a ladder is most suitable. Each step is represented by a separate box, often their combination contributes to the creation of a full-fledged chest of drawers. The ease, convenience and safety of using the product is ensured, and you can also use lockers for storing bedding, writing accessories, toys, clothes or other items.

You can choose a design with a ladder or one that is securely attached to the tiers.

When choosing a ladder, it is taken into account who exactly will use the structure. If it is intended for small children, then a low staircase is chosen so that there is no danger of falling.

When choosing a staircase, other elements are additionally purchased to decorate and enhance the functionality of the bed. This includes various accessories in the form of all kinds of handles, guides and other elements. It is advisable to choose items made of stainless steel or aluminum. An original product in a variety of shades can also be purchased.

VerticalStairs drawersMarchingAffiliated

Triple models

Often a two-story bed is purchased in a one-room apartment, where one room is used as a bedroom, living room and dining room. In this case, you need to choose interior items that have optimal versatility and functionality.

A triple bed is considered an ideal solution for a family of three. A child in this design sleeps on the upper tier, and parents are located below. Such a bed can be a transformer, in which the lower tier is assembled, resulting in a comfortable and large sofa. The second tier in this case should be at a considerable height so that there is no situation where people sitting on the sofa will bang their heads on the structure.

Triple products can also be intended for three children, if they live in a separate nursery. In this case, a house is often organized at the top, and below is a double bed on which two children can sleep.

If there is a standard double design below, then you need to correctly select mattresses for a bunk bed so that they are comfortable for children and adults. For this, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • material of manufacture;
  • sizes
  • height - if the product is placed on the upper tier, then it should be as thin as possible so that the height at which the child sleeps does not increase too much;
  • the state of health of people who sleep in such a bed, because if they have certain deformations in the spine or skeletal system, rigid models are required.

It is optimal to choose a mattress based on the recommendations of orthopedists or other specialists, and this is especially true if the product is intended for children.

Safety requirements

Bunk beds are ideally placed in a small apartment or room. Such products have numerous advantages, although they are not without drawbacks that must be taken into account at the time of purchase.In most cases, such furniture is purchased for small children, since it is impossible for each child to allocate a separate room to place a bed and other interior items.

Since children will use the product, it must meet the numerous safety requirements:

  • the ladder, which climb to the second tier, should have an optimal and not too strong slope, so if a vertical structure is used, then only teenagers are allowed to use it;
  • the steps of the boxes perfectly enhance the structure, but it is important that they are made of durable material, since due to the empty space inside the child can break the product;
  • all steps should be wide enough;
  • for their creation it is not allowed to use slippery materials, therefore the use of metal pipes is not allowed;
  • the staircase should be equipped with handrails that allow using the structure without effort and with maximum safety;
  • the second tier is necessarily protected by the sides, and their height should be optimal so that the child or adult does not fall out of bed during sleep. The height of the sides is at least 20 cm;
  • it is advisable to make the sides continuous and the entire length of the berth;
  • the design itself must be created from reliable and durable materials, so that it can easily cope with the weight of several children, mattresses, pillows and blankets, and also take into account the possibility that children will actively play in berths;
  • the product is not allowed to stagger, so parents must ensure the quality of the fasteners;
  • it is desirable to choose sleeping places for growth, so that the bed lasts for children for a long time, and the length should be at least 15 cm longer than the height of the child;
  • additionally, the height of both the entire structure and two tiers is taken into account, therefore, the child on the upper element during sitting should not touch the ceiling with his head, and on the lower tier there should be no difficulties using a berth;
  • accessories and other elements decorating the product should be made of safe materials, and also the presence of various sharp elements, faces or small parts is not allowed;
  • the bottom of each tier should be strong and fortified;
  • for children, it is advisable to choose hard orthopedic mattresses that contribute to the optimal formation of the bone skeleton.

Regardless of the model of a bunk bed, it will always be cumbersome, so you need to decide in advance on the optimal place for its installation.

Bunk structures are considered the perfect solution for small rooms or large families. It is important to choose the right product so that it is multifunctional, durable, safe and attractive. For children, original models with unusual decoration are suitable. During the selection, the size of the bed, the material of its manufacture, reliability, dimensions of the stairs and other factors are taken into account.



Watch the video: Enjoy Sufficient Storage Space with this Practical Kids Bed. Pottery Barn Kids (January 2025).

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