Curtains in a modern interior - a storehouse of relevant ideas

All types of modern style in the design of residential premises strive to create the most simple, but at the same time comfortable atmosphere. Functional interiors with minimal decor, not devoid of "home" warmth and coziness, are rapidly replacing luxurious design projects with many decorative elements. This trend could not but affect the methods of designing window openings with textiles. Simplicity and functionality, even some severity, replaced complex compositions with multi-level folds, brushes and interceptions, ruffles and lambrequins. This does not mean that the luxury of natural fabrics, their layout and decoration has completely sunk into oblivion, because there are many options for stylistic trends in which the luxury of window decoration is simply necessary. But in this publication we will touch on the most popular options for the design of rooms with different functional loads.

The features of window decoration in modern rooms include the following;

  • simplicity and conciseness of design;
  • natural materials;
  • functionality of constructions (no complex compositions);
  • compliance with the general nature of the interior;
  • predominantly neutral color schemes (if the choice falls on the fabric with the print, then most often a geometric pattern is used, less often floral and ethnic motifs);
  • printed tulle, so beloved by our compatriots, was replaced by a translucent veil, which is often the only option for window decoration, without using curtains.

Modern Design Options

It can be safely stated that modern curtain models are variations on the theme of classic design. Straight canvases, flowing down with vertical folds, as a rule, without additional decor, interceptions and lambrequins, evolved from all of the familiar to us traditional curtains. Classics is timeless, it only undergoes some transformations, adapting to the modern rhythm of life and the latest stylistic trends. The expression "everything new is well forgotten old" perfectly characterizes the cyclical appearance of trends in the field of room decoration.

Only at first glance it may seem that such a design leaves no room for a fantasy flight. It is possible to emphasize the individuality of an individual interior not only by choosing the material and color palette, but also by the method of fastening the products. Classical curtains on hinges, grommets, a bowstring and various types of cornices have a different appearance as a textile design for window openings.

Direct curtains on grommets are a popular option for window decoration in modern homes. Eyelets can be made of coated plastic or metal. Of course, plastic products are cheaper, but metal will last longer. The smooth movement of the curtains on the grommets along the ledge makes their use incredibly comfortable. The only thing to consider when ordering such a model is that the rings should be 1-1.5 cm larger in diameter than the same parameter of the cornice rod.

In order to create a certain emphasis when using the curtains model on grommets, you can combine the light tone of the products themselves with the dark colors of the fittings and cornice. Such a contrast will create some clarity and constructiveness of the whole image of window openings. Moreover, the curtains on the eyelets always fall in perfect folds due to the distribution of the eyelets over the entire width of the paintings.

The method of attaching curtains to the bar with the help of flip loops looks originally. The advantage of this method of arranging the paintings is that they do not need accessories for their fastening. The bar is simply threaded into rather large loops, which are most often made of the same fabric as the main fabric. This model looks great in rooms decorated in a country style, beach and tropical style.

For the minimalist moods of modern style, Japanese curtains are perfect. Vertical even cloths similar to fabric screens look concise and stylish. The advantage of such models is that they can be easily combined with traditional curtains made of the same material within the same interior.

Roman curtains are also concise and easy to use. A monophonic version or fabric with a print, one thing is obvious - it’s very convenient to adjust the level of illumination of the room due to the location of such curtains, which are collected in evenly distributed horizontal folds. Modern models of Roman curtains can be controlled using the remote control, which is very convenient in the framework of a bedroom. They, like Japanese curtains, can be combined with other models of drapery for windows.

If we talk about the location of the curtains relative to vertical surfaces, then it is necessary to mention not only the options for fastening, but also the orientation of the paintings between the ceiling and the floor. It is obvious to everyone that by hanging the curtains under the ceiling, you can achieve a visual increase in the height of the room. But this arrangement is not always possible due to the peculiarities of the ceiling decoration. For example, when using tension structures. But to hem the curtains or curtains so that there is no empty space between the edge of the paintings and the floor, it is always possible.

Choice of color, print and texture

The modern style of interior design advocates the use of neutral colors for the decoration and selection of furniture. In this case, when choosing a drapery for a window, two possibilities open. In the first case, you can support the general concept and choose a textile tone for windows in a common neutral palette. Most often, white is chosen as the background of the curtains, all shades of gray and beige are used for curtains. In the second version, curtains or curtains become the color accent of the interior (most often the only, less often bright color is repeated in the textiles of the design of the recreation area in the living room or bedroom).

It’s no secret that the vertical strip on the curtains visually “pulls” the room in height, and the horizontal strip visually increases the volume of the room. But if you can choose a shallow strip for the vertical arrangement of the print, then for a horizontal one it is better to stop on three or four wide stripes. Ideal color matching - two neutral and one bright strip. With this arrangement of shades, the curtains will be bright enough to attract attention, but not variegated enough to irritate the gaze of the owners of the room.

The golden rule "choose curtains with a pattern if the walls of the room are decorated in a single-color version and vice versa - one-color drapery for a room with printed surfaces" has not been canceled. Despite the fact that total decoration of walls with print in modern rooms is less common, the pattern is still used as a decor for accent walls. For such rooms, it is necessary to choose plain color solutions for the textile design of windows.

Fabric with a light metallic sheen is perfect as a material for the execution of curtains in a modern interior. Even if shiny elements, fittings or accessories are not used in the design of the room, the light sheen of ideal vertical folds on the curtains will add some gloss to the character of the interior.

Examples of window decoration with curtains in rooms for various purposes

Living room

The modern living room is a comfortable room with a functional set of furniture and a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, the interior is not replete with decor, often exclusively decorative interior items are used as decorative elements - textile decoration of windows, soft zones, lighting fixtures and carpet. For a modern living room with a neutral palette, curtains with an abstract or geometric print will be an ideal option for bringing color diversity. Two contrasting colors in the colors of traditional direct paintings will be enough.

The now-popular design technique for continuing wall decoration without window openings using textiles of a similar color scheme in the areas of the room with windows. The continuity of the textile fabric allows you to create an original visual effect. Of course, in this case, the owners have to spend money on acquiring a sufficiently large canvas (depending on the size of the room), but the image of the room is worth it.


In the bedroom, like in no other room, curtains become an indispensable attribute of the interior. It is in the sleeping space that the functionality of curtains is often put at the forefront. In a room where we often need complete isolation from sunlight, the decorative component of textiles for drapery windows becomes a secondary value. Depending on the location of the bedroom relative to the cardinal points, its size and lifestyle of the owners (the need to sleep in the daytime due to a certain work schedule plays a decisive role in choosing fabrics for curtains), the choice of textiles for window drapery is made.

The modern bedroom is most often decorated in light, neutral colors. And the choice of drapery for windows is an opportunity not only to protect the space from sunlight at the moment when it is necessary, but also to introduce color diversity into the interior. Plain blackout curtains of a deep, colorful color will be an ideal way to emphasize not only the shape of the window, but also the borders of the whole room. In this case, the easiest way to "connect" the accent color of the curtains with the overall picture of the bedroom with the help of decorative pillows in the decoration of the bed.

But if color accents are already set in the bedroom - one of the vertical planes is highlighted or the furniture is made in a bright, colorful version, then for curtains it is better to prefer a neutral color scheme. All shades of gray and beige, pastel colors - all of these options will help to maintain a harmonious image of the room for sleeping and relaxing.


Choosing curtains for a child’s room is not an easy task for parents. On the one hand, the design of the window drapery should be combined with the general concept of the design of the room, on the other hand, the small owner of the room should like it and not annoy with an emotionally bright print or choice of color scheme. Another contradiction in the choice of fabric for the design of a children's room is that for a child it is necessary to choose natural materials, namely it is most difficult to care for them. It's no secret that in a preschooler's room you have to wash the curtains much more often, and the choice of the appearance and naturalness of the material will depend on your ability to use dry cleaning or preference for machine wash.

The choice of curtains for the children's room depends not so much on the style of execution, but on the floor, preferences and hobbies of the small owner of the room. In the bedroom for the girl, contrary to the total desire for minimalism, you can use paintings with ruffles, frill, lace. Such a design will be all the more appropriate if similar design techniques were used in the design of the berth.

In the boy’s room, the design of the curtains can be chosen traditional (direct paintings without decor), but the print is better coordinated with the general theme of the interior. It can be images of favorite heroes, sketchy drawings, abstraction. If there are enough colorful elements in the room, then for curtains it is better to prefer a plain version from the general color palette.

Dining room

If in a kitchen space with an interior decorated in a modern style, in half the cases the window is not decorated with textiles at all, then there are no restrictions for placing the dining room. Depending on the size of the room. The number of window openings and their scale, you can use only translucent curtains or complement them with curtains. A beautiful effect of the infinity of the room can be achieved by curtaining the entire wall with textiles, rather than individual window openings. A monophonic translucent veil is ideal for these purposes.

Watch the video: Painting and Ceramics in China and Painting in Japan (October 2024).

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