How to plant and grow a rose from seeds purchased in China? Advantages and disadvantages, especially the care of flowers

In Chinese online stores, the choice of rose seeds is huge, many buyers have wide eyes, I want to buy everything at once. Roses are offered not only the usual colors for everyone, but also outlandish: green, blue, purple, brown and even rainbow. Unfortunately, far from always a beautiful photograph attached by the seller to the description of the seeds corresponds to reality. Instead of outlandish roses, the most ordinary red, pink, white can grow.

This is especially true for rainbow roses. In fact, these are white roses, which are suitable for cutting and further staining by splitting the stem into four parts and immersing each in a container with colored water.

In any case, if the expectations did not coincide with reality, and the rose grown from seeds does not look like the picture, you should not get upset. Having put so much effort and labor into growing bushes of tiny seeds bought on the Chinese market, you will love them very much for who they are and will be proud of them.

To reduce the likelihood of buying rose seeds of the wrong variety or color, as you would like, spend time studying the reviews of other customers.

Pros and cons of buying in the Chinese market

Pros of buying rose seeds in Chinese online stores:

  • Low cost, so you can buy a lot of different seeds without compromising your home budget. Even if by no means all of them ascend or some of them turn out to be completely different from the ones in the picture, this will not be a disappointment, because their price is really cheap. It should be noted that not all Russian seeds of roses also appear, this is the norm.
  • A huge assortment, thanks to which you can decorate your garden with unusual varieties of roses. You can take a chance and get outlandish: blue, green, purple, you’ll be lucky, and they really will turn out to be just that.
  • Ease of purchase, an order is made online through the Internet, without leaving home. You can study seed descriptions well, customer reviews with photos of roses already grown.

Cons of buying rose seeds in China:

  • Long delivery, an order must be expected from three weeks (at best) to 2.5 months. This must be taken into account and ordered seeds in advance in order to have time to grow seedlings by spring.
  • Parcel may be lost along the way. This rarely happens, but it does happen.
  • Even after a thorough study of the reviews, it’s still buying a “pig in a poke”. Only if you can germinate the seeds and grow an adult plant from them, you can see what roses actually sent you.
  • Together with the seeds of roses (and sometimes instead of them), seeds of other flowers or weeds may come across.

Pros and cons of growing

The benefits of growing roses from seeds:

  • Only seeds can produce many young plants at once. This can not be achieved by the method of cuttings, since the stalk with roots cannot be divided into several. With seed germination, you can quickly increase the number of roses in the garden.
  • Grown from rose seeds are the most persistent and viable. They perfectly tolerate frosts (provided that they are properly covered for the winter).
  • From the seeds you can grow small indoor roses, they will feel great in flower pots on the windowsill.
  • The cost of seeds is many times lower than seedlings ready for planting with roots. Therefore, you can buy a lot of seed, spending a little money.

Cons of growing roses from seeds:

  • This is a very long process.
  • Gentle shoots require painstaking care and strict adherence to all growing rules.
  • Any rose seeds, even Chinese, even Russian, not all sprout.
  • Seeds may not sprout at all.
  • Some plants may die when transplanted into the open ground.

How to distinguish fake from real?

In appearance, the seeds of the rose are irregular, round-oblong in shape, they are large and hard, their size is about 3 mm. But you will only be able to consider them when you receive the package.

Reference! Therefore, the main advice when buying in Chinese online stores is to read reviews from other customers. Do not order from sellers who have recently registered or who have no reviews.

When ordering roses of traditional flowers, the risk of running into a fake is much less. As a rule, low-quality seeds or generally weed seeds come when ordering rainbow and other outlandish roses.

Where and for how much can I get?

It is best to order on AliExpress, the choice is huge, and if the package does not suddenly arrive within the promised time, the money will be returned to you. To do this, use the function “open a dispute” in the customer’s personal account.

Prices for rose seeds there are really cheap and start at 15 rubles. per bag with 50-100 pcs. seed. Elite varieties cost from 30 rubles. per bag with 20-50 pcs. seed. Sellers often arrange sales, taking advantage of this, you can buy a bag of seeds even for 8-9 rubles. On the site you can select offers with free delivery and pay only the purchase price.

How to plant and grow?

Further, we will dwell on how to germinate the seeds purchased on Aliexpress, plant and grow beautiful roses from them.


  1. A tissue napkin made of natural material is required, the fabric should retain moisture well. It must be moistened with hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the seeds. You can also use a growth stimulator instead of peroxide.
  2. On a napkin, you need to evenly spread the seeds and moisten them with water.
  3. Roll up the napkin with the seed roller.
  4. The resulting fabric roll is placed in a plastic container. Do not cover with a lid; air access should be good.
  5. A container of seeds is placed in the refrigerator on the lower shelf for 2 months.
  6. Periodically remove seeds and inspect, discard moldy or rotten. Make sure that the cloth always remains slightly damp.
Reference! Such preparation of seeds is required, this will greatly increase their germination capacity, as well as the viability of future seedlings.

Seedling method

The ideal option for germinating rose seeds - in peat tablets. They can be bought in stores for gardeners or ordered in the online store. Thanks to this cultivation, the transplantation of young plants into the soil will take place without disturbing their root system. It can also be grown in shallow seedling pots or in disposable cups. In this case, it is necessary to fill them with special primer for indoor roses.

  1. Seeds are planted in the ground after they begin to sprout slightly in the refrigerator. Put them in the ground very carefully so as not to damage.
  2. 10 pieces are placed in each peat tablet or cup. seed.
  3. Sprinkle with a thin layer of soil, literally 1-2 mm.
  4. Then the surface must be mulled with a thin layer of perlite (this is a rock, sold in stores for gardeners). This will protect the shoots from the black leg.
  5. The temperature in the room where germinated seeds will be located should not be lower than + 18 °.
  6. From the moment of planting to the appearance of the first seedlings, at least 1 month will pass, and most often 1.5-2 months. If they have not sprouted in 2 months, do not rush to throw it away, wait again. Seeds can germinate even after 3-4 or more months.
  7. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is not completely dry, the seeds will not sprout in the "stone" dry land. It needs to be moistened with a little spray gun.
  8. After emergence, they are provided with daylight hours of at least 10 hours a day. Therefore, in winter it is necessary to illuminate the seedlings with lamps.
  9. Gentle seedlings should be watered regularly so that the soil does not dry out, but little by little, in a too damp ground they will die.
  10. If several seeds have sprouted in one pot, they are observed and after a while, when they grow up, they leave one or two of the strongest plants.
  11. 2-3 months after emergence, the young roses will grow up and begin to produce the first bud.

    Attention! The first bud cannot be left, no matter how one wants to look at the color of rose petals. Such early flowering can take away all the strength from a young bush, and it will die when transplanted into the ground.

  12. Rose seedlings are planted in open ground in spring when the weather is warm, and all the threats of frost have passed, that is, in late April, early or mid-May.
  13. Before this, seedlings must be hardened. Pots are taken out into the street during the day, put in the shade, scorching rays of the sun should not fall on young roses. In the evening they must be taken to the house.
  14. Seedlings are planted in the ground in a well-lit place, where there are no drafts. It is important that water never stagnates there. If the seeds germinated in peat tablets, then the seedlings are placed in the ground without removing from them.
  15. After planting, be sure to water the seedlings of roses.

In open ground

Planting seeds directly in open ground is a reckless way. It is suitable if there are a lot of seeds. Germination and survival of young plants will be much less than when growing in seedlings.

  1. Seeds can be sown in open ground when they began to sprout slightly in the refrigerator.
  2. Before that, they choose a place for a flower bed, dig up the earth, remove all weeds, make a special mineral fertilizer for roses.
  3. The best time for sowing seeds is the end of April or the beginning of May, so that young plants have time to get stronger in the cold.
  4. Make long holes and carefully spread the seeds in them.
  5. Then sprinkle with a layer of soil with a thickness of not more than 5 mm.
  6. It is necessary to ensure that the soil remains moist until seedlings appear, but it must not be poured too abundantly.
  7. After the emergence of seedlings, the first time it is better to water them with a spray gun. When the plants get stronger, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is constantly slightly moist, but in no case do not overdo it with watering.
Important! You can sow seeds not in the spring, but in August, in this case, for the winter, a shelter will be equipped over the garden to protect against frost. Shoots will appear only in the spring, but with this variant of sowing, the germination will be even lower.


Further you can familiarize with a photo of that which has grown from the seeds bought in the Chinese market.

How to care for young flowers?

On hot summer days, they can be shaded from the scorching rays of the sun. Also regular but moderate watering required. Roses do not like when the earth is too damp. It is better to water them more often, but little by little. Before the first autumn frosts for young roses, it is necessary to build a reliable winter shelter.

Possible problems and solutions

  • The most important problem is the long process of seed germination. Not all gardeners have the patience and perseverance to still wait for the emergence of sprouts, and then, so that the tender shoots gradually turn into a young plant.
  • Chinese seeds can come across weed grass. It is necessary to notice in time where the roses rose and where the weeds are. All weeds must be removed so that they do not take power from seedlings of roses.
  • Not all Chinese rose varieties can survive in our climate. There are frequent cases when the seeds germinate, but seedlings die before planting in the ground or after it. Also, young plants may not overwinter, despite good shelter. The more unusual and exotic rose variety, the more it is whimsical and unlikely to be able to adapt to our climate.

If this happens, do not be upset, try to purchase seeds of simpler varieties of roses. Also seeds must be acquired as much as possible, especially since they are inexpensive. Of the large number, shoots are likely to be obtained, and some plants will surely survive and develop into an adult bush.

Useful video

We suggest you watch a video about growing Chinese roses from seeds:

Watch the video: Grow Roses Only In Cocopeat (October 2024).

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