Decorative hibiscus fireball. How to care for flowers and other important nuances of growing

Hibiscus or Chinese rose is an amazing plant! The 18th century botanical gardens were full of all kinds of colors.

The flower was so admired by many peoples for its qualities and properties that it began to be used in the manufacture of black hair dyes, the food industry was used for dyes, and many beloved tea - hibiscus.

In the article we will talk about the botanical description of the plant and give detailed recommendations for caring for it.

Botanical Description

Many species of plants are endowed with large, elegant, brightly marked corollas. The fruit is a box containing many seeds. The leaves are scalloped, to some extent rifled. Hibiscus (Hibiskus lat.) Belongs to the Maltese family, has a vast territory of growth, hence the appearance of additional names.

For example, in China - the Chinese rose, Sudan - the Sudanese rose, Syria - the Syrian rose, in Malaysia - the "flower of beautiful women", and Brazilians call it - "princess earrings". Each of these countries ascribes its origin to itself, and this is no accident, because the plant was originally from Asia, and over time it was delivered and settled on the floodplain meadows of America and Africa.

The most popular subspecies are with pink flowers and red, with purple-red flowers.

Two types of hibiscus grow in our latitudes:

  1. Syrian (Hibiskus syriacus) is a southeastern region of Transcaucasia.
  2. Northern (Hibiskus ternatus) - the Far East, the south of Ukraine.

One of the representatives of decorative beautiful-blooming hibiscus with pink flowers is the Fireball variety.


The following is a photo of the hibiscus cultivar Fairball:

Home Care

Consider how to care for the hibiscus of the Fireball variety.


The plant feels comfortable in a fairly lit place, but without direct sunlight. In summer, it is allowed to take to the street, avoiding places with drafts and wind. The ideal temperature is considered to be in the range of 18 ° -25 ° C. In autumn, when preparing a plant for wintering, a flower pot is installed in a darkened room, fencing from heating devices, the temperature for hibernation should not drop below 10 ° С.


Active irrigation measures are carried out from early spring until the preparatory process for wintering. Water is prepared by settling for several days at room temperature. In the active period of growth - abundant watering, as the substrate dries. In September, watering is gradually reduced to nothing, only after 2-3 days the soil is moistened, after surface drying. Hibiscus loves moisture, so you should often spray it.

It is important to ensure that water does not fall on the buds, otherwise, careless sprinkling will provoke their fall.


The main requirement of a handsome foreign man is his presence on the eastern or western sides of windows with bright, scattered sunlight. In winter, as mentioned above, you need to shade.

Soil composition

The soil for cultivation should be light and nutritious, closer to neutral (PH 6). A suitable composition would be mixed ingredients of sheet, sod, sand and humus land (3: 4: 1: 1), with the addition of a small amount of charcoal. You can use the simplified composition of the soil from sand, humus and sod land, in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Do not forget about drainage to exclude stagnation of water in a flower pot.


Trimming of Fireball is done annually.

  1. To perform the procedure, the instrument must be sanitized.
  2. Inspect the plant.
  3. Determine the presence of shoots growing inside the crown.
  4. Identify shoots growing parallel to the trunk.
  5. Crop.

Shoots are also shortened by 15cm. after transplanting into a new pot, the tips of the shoots are cut after flowering, all biennial shoots are removed. Do not be afraid to trim the excess, he loves such an update, since the flowers are laid exclusively on young shoots. If you want to enjoy abundant flowering, then do not neglect this type of care.


It is necessary to carry out top dressing with nitrogen-containing, mineral fertilizers, which will stimulate a long and plentiful flowering. Water-soluble fertilizers showed themselves well. After all, they are endowed with copper, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, magnesium and manganese. Potash and phosphorus are used in the spring, during growth growth, and the remaining species in the summer, during flowering.

Pot for planting

The most suitable option for choosing a flower home, avid flower growers recommend using a double pot. With this approach, the plant, within a couple of months, will find a source of moisture and take root there. Water should always be in the pan (outer pot), then the new roots will not dry out, and will allow the plant to endure the drought painlessly. But, this technique is only suitable for the summer months. The volume of the pot depends on the size of the root system.

If the roots encircled the entire substrate, naturally, a transplant is required, since the tightness will not allow the flower buds to fully develop, or even stop flowering.


  1. Be sure to water abundantly.
  2. Carefully shorten the branches with a sharp knife, forming a compact bush.
  3. Remove dried and spoiling the general appearance of the branches.
  4. Pour expanded clay into a new pot.
  5. Then a little soil is poured.
  6. With gentle and swaying movements, remove the flower from the flowerpot, and with a lump of earth, put in a new one.
  7. Next, new soil is poured, slightly pressed in for plant stability.
  8. Abundantly watered and covered at the roots with a film for a couple of days.
  9. Then remove the film and let the plant grow in the usual way.

In order for a plant to please with an abundance of charming flowers, it must be replanted annually, after three years - once every 2-3 years.

Winter season

In winter, hibiscus is unpretentious, and he needs to hibernate in the coldest place of the apartment.

Lack of light will not be an obstacle either. Do not worry about frequent watering, the hibiscus will wake up in February, young leaves will turn green.

The pot can be exposed, start top dressing and frequent watering. Importantly, do not miss the awakening, late exposure to the light dooms the dropping of foliage!


  1. Cuttings with 2-3 buds are taken.
  2. Processed by growth stimulant.
  3. Dip into water or a mixture of peat and sand.
  4. A month later, when the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in individual pots.

Seed propagation

  1. Seeds are soaked in Epin for 12 hours.
  2. Sow in the spring, or at the end of winter.
  3. The container with planted seeds is covered with glass and exposed in a warm place.
  4. Watered and aired from time to time.
  5. When 3-4 leaves grow, seedlings dive into a permanent place.
  6. In the third year they bloom.
Many diseases that affect the plant are not infectious; they appear from content defects. Having found and eliminated these negligences, the causes of the disease will be eliminated and the health of the rose will be restored.

Similar flowers

  • Ranunculus.
  • Eustoma.
  • Begonia.
  • New types of geraniums.
  • Adenium

Beautiful and unique flower - Hibiscus! The charm of velvet flowers makes him a hero and favorite in many countries. The presence of at least one of the representatives of these magnificent and flowering shrubs creates a sense of celebration and uplifting.

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