Bright bathroom for active and energetic people

The design of a bright bathroom is primarily focused on active, energetic, emotional and cheerful people who are overwhelmed by positive energy and who are not going to miss the monotony of the interior. And if you already decided on a bright fashionable interior, then do not forget to take into account a number of some nuances. For example, remember that color is a rather capricious thing that requires delicate handling. And repairing is not at all a simple process, especially if you want its results to live longer and not disappoint you in a year. Yes, and plumbing is not a cheap pleasure, I must say, and mistakes here can be expensive. In this regard, you should carefully consider the design of a bright bathroom in order to avoid misunderstandings, as a result of which it can begin to annoy you with its inappropriate diversity.

Determine the color

There are no advisers in this matter, as You will make the bathroom, first of all, for yourself, and not for someone. Therefore, the color should be chosen as you like. Of course, there are generally accepted views on what should be the range of shades in the interior, but it is not at all necessary to take them as a basis, it is quite simple to draw attention to them and take note. For example, yellow-orange gamma always pleases the eye (sunflowers, sun, citrus fruits). Such tones warm, bring optimism, cheerfulness to the interior and perfectly revitalize your emotions.

Sometimes a golden or light yellow shade can create an expressive and bright bathroom design even without additional tones. Green color is very pleasantly perceived and associated with spring, harmony and freshness. It can play the role of both a base and an auxiliary smoothing shade to create balance.

If a too active green color is used, then it should be muffled using shades such as salmon, pink, lavender or ivory. Turquoise blue gamma can create a feeling of spaciousness, if it is close to nature. However, in addition to this, it also has a frostbite effect, presenting cool shades. In order not to severely freeze the interior of the bathroom, it is necessary to introduce additional warmer colors, only not white, but for example, cream, cream, vanilla color.

Violet tones are quite dark, therefore they are not desirable for small-sized rooms, in any case, as a basis. In general, this color is not perceived unambiguously. In combination with shades such as gray, blue, red, green, raspberry and pink, it looks just fine. Red color gives a feeling of intimacy, comfort and positive energy. However, the shade is too insidious to use in large quantities. In other words, everywhere red cannot be, because its passion and ardor narrow the space, as it were, demanding to dilute it with light or contrasting shades. And if you use a combination of red and white, you should definitely include the third additional shade, at least as a small fragment. Otherwise, the white-red combination may create a feeling of incompleteness.

How to achieve brightness in the interior

The interior can be bold and even bold. The main thing is that in no case should he put pressure on you. The task of a bright interior is, above all, to delight, sparkle, warm, refresh and cheer up.

And how to do this, let's figure it out in order. There are the following methods for this:

  • decorative - by using bright accessories, bright furniture and textiles;
  • constructive - by using colored finishes of walls, ceiling, floor, as well as colored plumbing

Lighting also plays an important role as a dimmer.

Constructive method

First of all, I want to note that bright does not mean multi-colored at all. Sometimes with one color you can create a very stylish and catchy combination. For example, walls that look close in color look great, when one is satisfied with a bright tone, and the second is muted. Dissimilar textures of the same color look no less impressive, for example, when a matte texture with glossy or wood with metal, and glass with ceramics are combined, Smooth tone, combined with a pattern (polka dots, strip, ornament) of the same shade, looks great.
And in order for the color to begin to "play", you need to create contrast. And you cannot do without light tone, creating a bright bathroom design. For example, without using a win-win white color, at least as a plumbing fixture. The main thing to remember is that the more light tone is present, the more expressive the main color will look, while the space will become easier. This is especially true for small rooms devoid of natural light. Entering white color, the main tone will literally ring.

And adding sandy beige shades, you can wonderfully dim the brightness if necessary.
If you do not want to use only one color, then the palette can be expanded, for example, according to the type of natural landscapes, for example, sea - sky - sand or other combinations. However, do not forget that white tones are especially necessary here, much stronger than in monochrome interiors. It is also not recommended to make all the walls the same, enter more different contrasting borders using different materials. A bright interior can be created in two ways: by applying multicolor or by using one saturated color.

But any emphasis should be presented, i.e. frame and highlight with muted or vice versa contrasting shades. And in no case do not create an atmosphere of chaos in the interior.

Decorative method

This method is universal, transformable and bloodless and quite claims to become a leader in terms of brightness. If you use bright accessories for the bathroom, then even the most boring and uninteresting room will instantly turn into a rainbow and bright. It can be anything, for example, things like a curtain for the bathroom, a toilet lid, rugs, containers with plants, decor items, furniture, towel holders, etc. All this will help to create a bright interior no worse than multi-colored walls and ceilings, only much easier and faster. In addition, the interior in this case is easy to replace if such a desire arises and you want to bring in some other mood.

And of course it is better if one accessory dominates the interior due to its color or size. The rest should be in harmony and obey him. And remember - if the accent is an accessory, then the floor, ceiling and walls should have a neutral tint. If you want to have bright walls on the contrary, it means that furniture and accessories are selected snow-white or of a dark tone, just to create a contrast.

Bright interior with white color

Using only two tones: white and any other, you can create the most striking interior in the bathroom. In this case, the white tone is taken as the basis. And against its background there may be colored plumbing or, for example, a wide strip sliding from the wall. It is desirable to support a large accent with small, insignificant elements - as a result, you get a stylish and effective interior. On a white background, there are no restrictions on the number of color spots, because he will endure everything.

A few words about lighting

Lighting is an important tool in creating an interior, with which you can tint, refresh or muffle the main color to give the interior a particular mood. This can be done not only with the help of stationary lamps, but also using alternative illumination, for example, with built-in LEDs, bath illumination, color illumination of shower water, etc. Backlighting is a very strong and powerful expressive tool.
And remember that in a bright bathroom there is only one dominant accent, as well as one large accessory. The brightest and most difficult to read fragment should occupy the smallest area. And further. If the basis is not white, it is not recommended to use more than four colors in the interior.

Watch the video: 14 Sleep Mistakes You Didn't Know You Made (October 2024).

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