Yellow curtains - add some sun

All people like to experiment, but not all ways to radically change something in life or in their interior. For such indecisive, but nonetheless creative personalities, yellow curtains will be the best solution to the problem. This decor element is able to transform any interior, the main thing is to know how to combine them correctly.

Yellow is the color of life and energy, symbolizing the sun, light, fun and something festive, unusual. This color was considered imperial in Ancient China, and no other class could wear clothes of this color or any of its shades.

Yellow curtains in the living room - not too catchy?

The living room is the heart of any home, so you need to carefully deal with its interior. Yellow color always brings a holiday to the house, and if the festive atmosphere reigns all year round in one of the main rooms where the whole family gathers, then the general mood of the household will remain at their best. But the main thing is not to overdo it, because the abundance of yellow can make the room too solid and frivolous, and even increase the temperature by a couple of degrees in the summer.

Yellow bedroom

When working with a recreation area, yellow should be used with extreme caution, because its recognition is to excite the imagination, and not to calm and relax. But, nevertheless, even this active color has found its place in the bedroom. For example, a children's room will become much lighter and more comfortable with this bright element of decor, and rich yellow curtains made of dense fabric become especially relevant in bright bedrooms. In rainy, cold and cloudy weather, when there is very little sunlight and the hormones of happiness are not produced in sufficient quantities, the yellow curtains will add a little heat and warm you.

Sunny kitchen

Yellow curtains and curtains in the kitchen are most appropriate. Here, this color, along with a cup of tea or aromatic coffee, will give a charge of vivacity and energy to each member of the family. In addition, sunlight penetrating through the yellow, translucent curtains can easily turn any kitchen into a real fairy tale.
Not so long ago, modern psychologists discovered another unusual property of yellow color - it heals the digestive system, stimulating proper metabolism and better digestibility of food. It mainly affects the course of bile, which significantly improves the quality of digestion of food.

Cabinet with yellow curtains

Dense solar shades of a muted shade will bring the most benefit in the office. One of the main properties of yellow is its motivating properties, which make you move, create, do something new and unusual. Creative people will appreciate the beneficial effects of yellow on their work, because this color of the sun opens up the whole world for their ideas. Also, yellow is an excellent energizer, but its saturated shades are best avoided by people who are constantly working at home, so as not to be distracted once again by too bright elements of the decor. In addition, many scientists who prefer yellow curtains to others have noticed a significant improvement in their memory, and attribute this effect to yellow.

Yellow curtains in dark rooms

If during planning the design turned out to be too dark and cold, and even bright elements of the decor do not save the situation, yellow curtains will be the perfect solution to the problem. Yellow is combined with many dark shades from black to dark green, so it’s easy to experiment with it.

Yellow in bright rooms

The combination of yellow and white is a classic in the world of design. Combining yellow curtains of any shade, texture and texture, and several skillfully selected accessories of the same color, you can create a unique warm interior that will delight the eye of all households.
A good combination is yellow and blue. If the overall design of the room is done in light, muted colors, such as soft blue, and the curtains are used as a bright color accent, then you can achieve a special comfort and harmony in the interior.

Yellow world

Completing a room in yellow tones is a bold and very risky decision. In this case, the interior should be dominated by muted, light tones and only such concentrating elements as curtains, furniture legs, picture frames, vases and lamps can be distinguished with brighter, more saturated shades. In order to slightly shade this solar gamut, you need to choose the right tulle: light, maybe pale, it can competently dilute the interior, highlighting the window and contributing to the visual expansion of the room.

Additional decor or how to enter yellow color in the interior

The easiest way to combine the overall design of the room and the yellow curtains (if the interior itself is not executed in yellow tones) are accessories of the same shade and texture. For example, a cute bedspread on a sofa or small decorative pillows will serve as a wonderful bunch and will make your room even brighter and more creative. No less successful addition can be small flower vases, candy boxes, small pictures with yellow frames and many other little things pleasing to the eye. The main thing in this method is not to overdo it, so as not to turn elegant notes into spots on the skin of a cheetah.

Probably, the main companion of yellow curtains is carpets of a suitable shade. Designers say that in this combination the main thing is that the carpet should be much brighter than the curtains, then the decor of the house will be much lighter and more positive, and choosing a yellow-brown rug can make any, even the most reckless and creative design, a little more classic and homely.

Yellow curtains are a huge platform for creativity, on which you can experiment not only with a shade, but also with the texture or shape of the curtains themselves. For example, rolled curtains, which came to us from ancient Rome, may become a rather unusual solution for a kitchen or cabinet. Also a good idea is to work with a pattern on the curtains. On yellow, any geometric patterns of all light colors and shades look great.

Benefits of Solar Curtains

Yellow is the best solution for a child’s room. Creativity and energy are always needed for the younger generation, who will be able to use this positive charge during training or extracurricular activities. The main thing is not to overdo it with brightness, because it will be difficult for children overexcited during the day to fall asleep.

One of the main features of yellow is the visual expansion of the space, so such curtains in a duet with large windows can turn any dressing into the most comfortable room. This feature of the curtains is very clearly manifested in small, dark rooms, in which there is never enough light and heat.

It is important to note that the yellow color harmoniously complements any interior, both light and dark. Also, the presence of such curtains in the room will make any design much brighter, warmer and more positive, and the use of muted yellow will not negatively affect the psyche. Those who like to experiment can try complementing the interiors of pink, purple and orange with solar shades.

Curtains of the color of ripe pineapple, which are often used in the interiors of eco, high-tech and country styles, look original. This shade is perfectly combined with wooden coverings and any shades of green, turning any room into an island of creativity and unity with nature. If the house is decorated in the Baroque or Empire style, known for their pomp and pomp, it is better to stop your choice on a golden yellow color, but do not overdo it with its richness and the number of yellow elements in the design so that real luxury does not turn into bad taste. Also, amber-yellow curtains can be a good addition to these styles.

When is it better to refrain from yellow curtains

Nowadays, classic interiors are becoming more and more popular, which completely do not combine with this sunny color. Also, the Art Nouveau design will not be the best option for yellow curtains, because the metallic inherent in it looks in combination with a bright yellow color just wildly.

If your interior is dominated by bright, saturated colors and many decorative design elements, yellow curtains can be the last straw that turns sophistication into tastelessness. When working with this decor element, you need to highlight a special niche for him in the design idea and make a sound assessment of the situation, understanding when curtains of such an active color will be appropriate and when not.

Yellow color stimulates the human nervous system, but in large quantities, this feature can become annoying and even harmful to the human body. Yellow curtains are always a struggle with something outdated, boring. This sunny color brings positive and joy, adds vitality to the interior and makes it much more memorable and unique. It will look best in children's rooms and cabinets, but in bedrooms and bathrooms, yellow, even in curtains, is better to avoid. But do not be afraid to experiment, because any shade of this sunny color can give you a little joy and embellish you interior!

Watch the video: How to Make a Boat Windshield Sun Shade (October 2024).

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